Fab Lab Stoughton Celebrates 10 Years

Legacies come in many forms. They are the people, places, and ideas that leave lasting impressions on our lives.  The Stoughton Alumni Association is proud to celebrate one such legacy - FabLab Stoughton. This year, Fab Lab Stoughton celebrates its 10th Anniversary.

The FabLab hosted an open-house celebration in November with celebration speeches from Dr. Dan Keyser, current District Administrator, Dr. Tim Onsager, former District Administrator and co-founder, and Mike Connors, co-founder.

As the first Fab Lab in Wisconsin and the second in the nation, Mike Connors and Dr. Tim Onsager started the project as a three-year trial in the Stoughton Area School District in 2013.  The project has since expanded to include courses for 9-12 grade students, community workshops, and Summer School classes.  

In 2022, the Fab Lab Stoughton hosted Make48, a national competition for makers who compete to address a current challenge facing today’s world.  The Fab Lab hosted a challenge posed by  Trek Bicycle: Sustainable Mobility, to find sustainable solutions that benefit both the community and the environment by recycling bicycle waste from parts that would typically end up in landfill.  You can watch the full competition online.

The Stoughton Alumni Association is incredibly proud of the Fab Lab’s continued innovation, creativity, and connection to the Stoughton community. 

To learn more about FabLab Stoughton, visit their website

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